Monday, November 29, 2010

●๋•"í wíکh ýőừ wểŕể wí✝h mể.."ツ

I walked alone on the beach,

I wish you were with me,

Orange rays beautiful horizon,

I wish you were with me,

Blue sea, cool sand,
blowing breeze touched me

Waves clashed and Boats sailed,
I wish you were here with me.

People walked hand in hand,
People shared Love,

I see love in the air,

I wish you were here with me.

We hugged, We kissed,
We loved,
we bathe,
We played,

Today I walk alone..

I wish you were with me.

My Return..........2021 AC (After Covid).........LOL

Hi Readers, How are you? Normally you would think ... Long time no see... true... very long time and I have not seen and written my blog. Aw...