Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Eyes – What do they say?

I have experienced people telling me, “You have innocent face with flirtatious eyes”. I always felt that I m like an open book. If I m angry it is shown and if I m happy that excitement is also shown.

There are many different types of eyes in this world. Have you ever tried to figure out what do eyes say?

Yes, Eyes talk. It speaks your soul out or one can say it speaks on behalf of your soul.

It is very easy to read ones mind by just looking at it.

When they sparkle and occasionally widen when one is excited or angry and droop and dim when one is sad or depressed.

The eyes are said to be the windows to the soul for this very same reason.

When you're genuinely shocked by something, you'll show it with your eyes, as will you when you are confused, as you may have a distant or squinty look with your eyes and the surrounding skin.

This is also why couples value eye contact much more in their relationship than do others who do not share the same relationship. Typically, if the girl is afraid, or is experiencing some other strong emotion, she can and often is comforted by the sound of her man's voice and especially his eyes, as they can mirror her emotions if he is a wimp, or he can reassure her and strengthen her with the right words or the right look.

There was an article that I went across while surfing net to clear out what I am trying to explain which said as below:

The brows and the eyes tell us what we need to know about a character's thoughts. Primarily, the brows have two major movements, brows Up/Down and brows Squeeze. The brows Up/Down alone don't tell us a whole lot about emotion; they are used in conjunction with the brows Squeeze and different combinations of the lids. Generally, brows Squeeze is in every emotion; regardless of type of emotion, it denotes thought.

The upper lids tell us the alertness of a character, and the lower lids intensify emotions. The eyeballs mainly just communicate where a character is looking. The subtext of that can lead to some powerful emotion, but the eyeballs themselves don't say a whole lot; it's the entire eye area acting together that creates a feeling. That being said, the effect of the angle of the head itself can make all the difference in the world to an expression. It can change the viewer's perception of all the things listed above.

If you need a refresher introduction for any of these topics, take a peek back at Chapters 2 and 3; you should find all that you need.

There was another article by Eliot, beautifully explained the relationship between eyes and emotions:

You’re Eyes Show Emotion!

Your eyes are essential to communication. They are the most expressive part of your face.

Try having an involved conversation with someone without looking at them. It’s impossible to communicate effectively without at least occasional eye contact. In a sales meeting, make sure to check out what’s going on with your customer’s eyes.

Are they dilated? Dilation is an involuntary response to light, you know that. But it’s also indicative of certain moods. Enlarged pupils indicate powerful emotions, including anger, suspicion, and deep thought. They also imply arousal, excitement, and interest.

The next time you look at an advertisement that features a female face, notice how wide her pupils are dilated. Usually, a graphic artist will air brush dilated pupils to make the model more attractive.

If your customer’s eyes dilate, you will experience an instinctual response; you might perceive that the client is angry or extremely interested. Before, you would have felt this way instantly, without knowing what triggered your reaction.

Here is a simple exercise to get you started. Before entering into a meeting, pick someone whom you will be with. As you begin to make small talk with them, choose a pleasant topic, something which is appealing to them. As they speak, note the size of their pupils.

Then, change the subject matter to include something that they don’t like – a hot button of sorts. Then as they begin to speak, observe what happens to their pupil dilation as they internalize their feelings while speaking.

Now that you know why you are picking up on this signal, you can watch more closely to determine which emotion your customer is experiencing.

So a very important message for my friends who complain that it is difficult to understand what he/she thinks about me, whether I am able to convey my feelings properly etc.

Please look into the eyes of the person with whom you are discussing things. That is why it is said discussions to anything helps in solving the most complicated issues.

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