Saturday, May 7, 2011

♥♥♥Soul Mate♥♥♥

Like sun and planets,
Like moon and stars,
You were with me to fill up my scars,
You are someone I can always depend on,
You are the one to bring sunshine to my life,
More than a lover and always a friend,
You are the one on whom I would always depend.

When I close my eyes I hear your voice,
And know that you are safe,
It is when a smile lightens up my face.

No matter if the road to happiness is on bumpier side,
As long as you are by my side,
I can handle storms,
I can handle rough weather,
And life is beautiful,
As long as we are together.


  1. Your thinking power is in positive zone .
    Keep it up

  2. Like you I am also searching a soul mate .
    Let's Allah supreme nature will help us.


My Return..........2021 AC (After Covid).........LOL

Hi Readers, How are you? Normally you would think ... Long time no see... true... very long time and I have not seen and written my blog. Aw...